Wednesday, September 11, 2013

BU, me, and my new companion

September 4, 2013

OKAY HELLO. THIS WEEK. OH MAN I HOPE YOU ARE JUST READY TO Hear THIS. So oh first things first i got the package. The bag is just perfect, the candy just perfect, the letters perfect, the skirt perfect, mother you are just perfect thank you!!!!! oh also the target gift card... LOVE IT!!!   Bubba also you are so sweet thank you for writing me that letter, your cursive looks like BOMB DIGITY!! super good!!!! 

Okay so this week, as you know, was TRANSFERS!! More like just ANXIETY!! hahah goodness okay so i got a new companion, Sister Garn. She is great! She is so bomb! She already knows Spanish like a boss. She has been out 2 transfers ahead of me! She lived in Guatemala for 6 months and Ecuador for 1 so yeah she really knows Spanish! Well that's not the part that gives me anxiety! The part that gives me anxiety is that sister Larsen (my old companion) left and i am the one who is staying here running the area! Meaning i have to show her everyone here like introduce her to the members and pretty much teach the lessons cause i know everyone even though we are supposed to be doing like companion unity, it didn't really go that way this week! Only i have been teaching, and shocking myself to say the least i kind of know Spanish!! KIND OF! okay also got anxiety cause of the car we have. It is broken, it is straight up the oldest car in the whole mission. 2008 Malibu... EVERY PAIR OF ELDERS HAVE HAD THAT CAR. That car is a legend in ever elders eyes seriously. They always say to me ohhh mann you got the "BU" YOU ARE SO LUCKYY!! Well why am i lucky? Cause we have a tiwi in our car and all the other cars 2013 Subaru's get speeding violations and aggressive drivings really easily, but the "BU" doesn't. So that also means that The car has been WRECKED!! Because the elders would have competitions to see who could get the most aggressive drivings in that car! Sister Larsen and i have taken the car in like 5 times to get fixed.. well 3 days before transfers we went and got it fixed which it cost 957 dollars... what? So you would think it would be fixed after we have just spent so much money on it well no.... okay NOW for the real story! Just got my new comp. First 10 minutes in the car, always just a little awkward cause its like uhh hi we are about to be the best of friends for the next 3 months whether we want to or not, and i have no idea who you are hahha. So we are in the car driving home and i am telling her about the car and how its a legend and how it has problems seriously as i am telling her there is a draggin noise... I'm like oh freak... Well we had to pull over on the freeway... we look and the front bumper is just DRAGGIN!!! oh my gosh! So umm yeah neither of us know anything about cars, so what do we do? Who do we call? Our parents? NO!! So i call the zone leaders... hahaha They just LOVE ME!! NOT!! haha seriously I'm in the same branch as the zone leaders for the past 3 months and for the next 3 months so they know me quite well and let me tell you i don't think they are quite use to sisters being like me just yet... Because before they had 16 sisters in this entire mission all over the age of 21... hahah and oh HI I'M 19 OUT OF CONTROL!! Well i call them and they tell us to inch off of the freeway so we inch off the free way into Newark.. well its like 8 at night 2 sisters in Newark... hahah NOT SAFE!! So coincidence i think not when i say we pulled off the freeway right into a car wash place! We pulled into that, sent the elders the address cause we weren't allowed to be there by ourselves. So i got out of the car and asked one of the guys if they could fix our car... or more so just tell us what the heck we should do... He was like oh let me just fix it temporarily... He put ZIP TIES ON OUR BUMPER... hahahha WHAT?!!! talk about a serious temporary fix... hahhaa well it was just a little awkward that the zone leaders show up and the car is fixed.... uhhh ahha whoops sorry zone leaders just wasted your time, miles, and gas just to come and say hi to us in Newark!!! Well first anxiety moment with the new comp. OVAAA!!! 

OKAY! NOW well here's the real GOOD STORY! Seriously too great. This would happen to me.. like this is just so typical. Okay so Hermana Larsen and i contacted this guy like 6 weeks ago on the street and have been teaching him. He told us that he met with sister missionaries 6 years ago and has been to church before.. well this is as much as we could understand. So we had been teaching him for like 5 weeks and we had already taught him the restoration, the plan of salvation, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We would teach him with folletos (pamphlets) and whenever we would come back to talk about them he had been really reading them and underlining and also reading the BOM. He said he knew that the BOM was true and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and so on... TALK ABOUT A GOLDEN INVESTIGATOR... so we thought.. Well i always felt a little weird like kind of like how can he be progressing that fast and that well yadyadyada. So i was excited to bring my new comp Hermana Garn because she could really understand and tell if he would be ready to be baptized the 15th of September. WELL so we are in the lesson teaching him repentance, and we are really going over repentance so he can REALLY repent! ya know thats all we do out here on the mish call EVERYONE AND THEIR CAT UNTO REPENTANCE!!! even ourselves :) haha okay anyways so we teach him and at the end hermana garn was like so Edgar do you feel like you will be ready to be baptized the 15th? He was like oh i need to be baptized again? She was like well in another church they didnt have the proper authority of God yadyada he was like no like i was already baptized. She was like by the immersion of water, and then confirmed by the laying on of hands for the holy ghost? He said yeah... He was like i was baptized IN THE PASSAIC LDS CHURCH.... she looked at me... WHAT?!!!! I STRAIGHT UP COVERED MY FACE AND JUST LAUGHED...  i was like what? It was SOOO EMBARASSING! He goes yeah remember i told you that like the first time we met? I was like... uhhhhhh hahahahah WELP LANGUAGE BARRIER! whoop there it is!! Nope didnt understand! SOOO now we are looking for his records, and they cant be found in the church. So now we have to send in his information to Salt Lake to see if they have his records, and if they don't then he has to be baptized again!! (crossin my fingas yall) haha I mean either way We found a less active and have reactivated him, or if we don't have his records we got a "baptism" wooo hooo! haha So embarrassing had to go to ward council and tell everyone the story.. cause ya know Ive only been talking about him for like a month or so about how he is an investigator so on and so on.. and he isn't!!!!!!!!!! DAY IN THE LIFE OF HERMANA JORGENSEN WHO CANT SPEAK SPANISH!!! Missions hahaha i don't even know what to think of themm.... maybe its just me though.. its always interesting missionaries always say that they have never had "fun" on their missions until they met me.... haha welll sorry i take after my father... LIFE IS A PARTYY!!! heavens yeah sooo I'm doing great feeling so loved from everyone so far away!!

oh i love you all so much... gosh what i would give to just give you all a hug!!!! xoxxxx

Hitting pears off the pear tree outside my apt:)
It's me and my new companion, Hermana Garn

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