February 24, 2014
ALL RIGHT GABBY GABBY IS ENGAGED?!! I'm dying. SO sister Daniels
is out. I love that lady. but it is time for change! SISTER DUKE! wooooooo! She
is sooo normal and sooo cool! the best part is… we get along great. sooo here are some cool things that happened
this week.... I've realized why I was assigned to Eatontown.. more importantly
why I came on my mission.. so wait okay real quick the overview of my week. I've
acquired great skills of becoming a wedding planner and a 1 year old birthday
party organizer... 200 people came to.. imported balloons from Mexico..
this thing was off the chain! ME AND MY COMP DID IT ALL. AT THE CHURCH ON Thursday from 8am-9pm doing a wedding..
then Friday from 7am-9pm.. LITERALLY SO STRESSED. then Saturday we were out like from 12:30-9:00 knocking doors..
those days make for long days... but okay back to why I realized I came to
Eatontown. sooo the family Percinos right I told you about them? They weren't coming to church when I got here.
Isai- the dad hes been like
less active.. addicted to work because that is why he came to America to work
for his family back in mexico..
Chay- 32 years old. served a mission
for a year at 18 was endowed but now.. inactive
Sammy- 28.. loves to
fight people just totally taken a turn for the wrong
Gabby- 24 inactive good guy at heart
just in active `and is living with his girlfriend and their baby.. vero is his
GF remember the baby I sent you a pic of?
okay so we were over there last
Monday the last time we were with sister Daniels.. and as we were ending our
lesson the dad started tearing up and he said can I say something? and we were
like yeah.. he started crying and said I just want to express my love for you 2
girls. Never in my life did I think I would see me and my 3 boys at church.. I
have seen an incredible change in my family. Sammy has changed his life around.
You girls are special. And although Daniela may be leaving and jorgie (me) will
be leaving sometime, your spirit will never leave this house. your impact will
never be forgotten. Then Chay asked if he could say something. He started
crying and couldn't even speak. He just started and just said thank you. Thank
you for changing our lives. You have changed my brother Sammy. He said there
has been missionaries that have tried to come over and talk to them and no one
has ever entered. then Sammy starts talking and he starts tearing up... he said
just said ya know I am thankful for you girls. he said right when I first met
you 2 everything just clicked.. he said I don't believe that there is anyone
else that could of gotten me to go back to church.. then there cousin iram
started crying and she is the only one here in the states and the rest of her
family is in Mexico and she started crying and said..you two feel like my
sisters.. then she couldn't stop crying! we got up to give her a hug and she
whispered in our ears.. please don't forget about me
literally feel like my family. Its so weird because the first time I met them
we taught the restoration... They literally
forgot everything we taught them as if they were brand new investigators and now
to see them going to church... SAMMY WENT ON A TEAM UP WITH HE ELDERS 2 WEEKS
AGO... he was so nervous he called us before and like had us go
over everything like 10 times hahaha but HE DID IT! I
didn't go to church yesterday and Sammy called me and was like are you doing
okay we heard you were sick? I was like yeahh.. and they were like can we get
you something? soup? medicine? anything? soo sweet of them. they take care of
us soo well! I love the percino family. I have truly come to learn that CHANGE IS REAL. I love less actives.. I have
seen so many people change on my mission. more importantly I have seen myself
change. I am not the same person I once was 10 months ago.. and the scary part
is that I still have 8 months more to mold into that person that Heavenly
Father wants me to become. that means I have a lot of CHANGING TO DO. I love my
Heavenly Father. I know that God is real. That He is behind all of this work. I
hope everyone is doing well and that all is working out! I miss you all like crazy!
I hope this next week brings you all the blessings and more that you need! LOVE
1. the percinos

2. Setting up the wedding

3. the bride and groom.. they are getting baptized in 2 weeks!
1. the one year old
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